Cogeco Communications

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TiVo has landed: out of this world entertainment now available in Canada, only from Cogeco Cable Canada

For immediate release
TiVo has la nded: out of this worl d ente rtainment now available
in Canada , only from Cogeco Cable Canada
The innovator i n whole-home entertainment makes its Ca nadian debut in
Ontario, with new Cogeco TiVo Service
Burlington, Ontario (October 30, 2014) The next e volution in TV entertainm ent has landed. T iVo, the
leader in adv anc ed t el ev isi on s ervices , is n o w availa bl e in Ca nad a from C ogeco C abl e Can ada . In O ntar io
markets where it operates, Cogeco Cable Canada will now offer Cogeco TiVo Service, the ultimate
personalized home entertainment experience.
“Cogeco TiVo Service will be a game-changer in the cable market in Canada” says Louise St-Pierre,
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cogeco Cable Canada. “We have worked closely with TiVo to
develop a platform that is c ustom ized f or Canad ian view ers, and we are pro ud to bring it to m arket toda y.
W e developed Co geco T iVo Ser vice in direct r esp onse to what o ur cus tom ers told us is im portant t o them
great content, convenience, availability and ease of use. Cogeco TiVo Service delivers that, and more.”
TiVo’s advanced, fully integrated search function m ines through live TV, recorded, on-demand and Over-
the-top (O TT) c ontent, inc luding N etf lix, to sho w user s what pro gram s are availa ble to watch. It is the only
operator platform to offer full Netflix integration. Users with a Netflix subscription access Netflix content
through the TiVo platform with one simple unified search, without requiring any additional external
devices. TiVo also helps users discover new content by providing personalized recommendations. The
platform automatically records content that it predicts might be of interest to the user.
“I believe that TiVo is the m ost dynam ic TV experie nce available in Can ada, putting viewers clos er to the
content they want,” says Louise St-Pierre. “For Cogeco TiVo Service customers, there will always be
something of interest to watch, whether it’s a show they love or a newly discovered recommendation
and, the beauty is they will be able to find it quickly and easily.”
Cogeco TiVo Service also extends out of home, with a Cogeco TV app, available on supported iOS
devices, customers can search, browse and schedule recordings from anywhere. Additionally, users can
download DVR recordings to their iOS mobile devices running the Cogeco TV app to watch from
anywhere, without the need for a WiFi access. An app for Android is expected to follow in April 2015.
"TiVo has been at the forefront of shaping the next generation television experience since the company
was founded," says Tom Elam, Vice President & General Manager, Service Provider Business at TiVo.
"We are excited to partner with Cogeco to bring our innovative TiVo service to Canadians’ living rooms,
allowing a new audience to experience the best in home entertainment.”
The Cogeco TiVo Service will be available starting November 3, 2014 for Ontario residents in Cogeco
Cable Can ada mark ets. The service will be a vai lable in Quebec Co geco Cable Canad a mark ets in spring
2015 after the platform interface, language and recommendations algorithm is customized for a Quebec
For immediate release
More information on Cogeco TiVo service is available at A video demo of Cogeco TiVo
Service can be viewed live at 11 a.m. at A playback
of the demo will be available on November 3, 2014.
Cogeco Cable Canada ( regroups the Canadian cable operations of Cogeco Cable Inc.
Cogeco C ab le Ca nad a is the second l ar gest c ab le ope r ator in O nt ar io and Q u éb e c in ter ms of the number
of Basic Cabl e service cust omers served. Its two-way broad band cable netw orks provide to its residential
and small business customers Analogue and Digital Television, High Speed Internet («HSI») and
Telepho ny servic es. Cog eco Cab le Inc. is a te lecom municat ions corpor ation an d is the 11t h lar gest h ybrid
fibre coax ial cable op erator in North Am eric a operat ing in Canada un der the C oge co Cable C anada bran d
name in Québec and Ontario, and in the United States through its subsidiary Atlantic Broadband in
Western Pennsylvania, South Florida, Maryland/Delaware and South Carolina. Through its subsidiaries
Cogeco Dat a Services and Peer 1 Hosting, Cogec o Cable Inc. provides its c ommercial custom ers a suite
of IT hosting, information and communications technology services (Data Centre, Co-location, Managed
Hosting, C loud Inf ras tructur e and Conn ecti vity), with 20 data c entres , exte nsive f ibre net work s in Montréa l
and Toronto as well as p oi nts -of-pres ence in N ort h A meric a and Europ e. Cogec o Ca bl e Inc . ’s sub or di nate
voting shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: CCA).
TiVo Inc. (NASDAQ: TIVO) is a global leader in next-generation television services. TiVo's innovative
cloud-based Software-as-a-Service solutions enable viewers to consume content across all screens in
and out-of-the home, providing an all-in-one approach for navigating the 'content chaos' by seamlessly
combining live, recorded, on-demand and over-the-top television into one intuitive user interface. The TiVo
experience provides TV viewers with sim ple universal search, discover y, viewing and recording from any
device, creating the ultimate viewing experience. TiVo products and services are available at retail or
through a gro wing number of pay-TV operat ors world-wide. TiVo's m ultiple subsidiar y companies provide
the broader tele vision ind us tr y and consum er electron ics manuf acturer s, cloud-based v ideo disc over y and
recommendation options, interactive advertising solutions and audience research and measurement
services. More information at:
TiVo and th e TiVo logo, are tradem arks or regis tered tradem arks of TiVo Inc. or its subs idiaries. All oth er
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Information: Paradigm Public Relations Cogeco Cable Canada
Sinead Brown Patricia Arc hambault
Tel.: 416-413-5193 Tel.: 514-710-1044