Cogeco Communications

Press release details

Cogeco’s Turbo 20, Ultimate 30 and Ultimate 60 High Speed Internet packages now available in Huntsville and Renfrew

Cogeco’s Turbo 20, Ultim ate 30 and Ultimate 60 High Speed Internet
packages now available in Hunt svi lle and Renfrew
Montréal, July 30, 2013 Cogeco Cable Inc. (TSX: CCA) announces the launch of its
Turbo 20, Ultimat e 30 and Ultimate 60 High Speed Internet ( HSI) packages i n Huntsville and
Renfrew, Ontario, where the majority of residents will be able to benefit from one of the
fastest download s peeds at the most affordabl e price availabl e i n the area.
The three pack ages, po wered by DOCSI S 3.0 technology, offer very advantageous speed and
pricing compared to competitors in Cogeco Cable’s footprint. The Turbo 20 package offers a
download speed of up to 20 Mbps and upload speed of up to 2 Mbps and a monthly data
transfer capacity of 150 GB.
The Ultimate 30 packag e offers speeds of up to 30 Mbps for downloads a nd up to 2 Mbps for
uploads wit h monthly data transf er capacity of 275 GB. For the Ultim ate 60 package, speed is
up to 60 Mbps f or downloads and 2 Mbps fo r uploads with a monthly data t ransfer capacity of
375 GB.
We always striv e to offer our cust omers m ore fle xibilit y, spee d and ch oices. Today, t he who le
family can use the Internet at the same time for online banking, video gaming, shopping or
for downloading videos or films, and all with the same service. Cogeco’s HSI Turbo 20,
Ultimate 30 and Ultimate 60 packages meet those needs,” said Ron Perrotta, Vice-President,
Marketing and S trategic Planning at Cogeco Cable.
Cogeco’s Turbo 20, Ultimate 30 and Ultimate 60 are powered by DOCSIS 3.0, a tec hnology
of data compression that allows a more efficient and economical use of bandwidth. Thus,
Cogeco Cable is in a very good position to meet the increasing bandwidth need at a very
competitive price and to offer access to a higher data rate, a better video configuration and
an increased level of safety.
What’s more, Cogeco inc ludes its full suite of securit y services f or these pac kages. Rent al of
a wireless modem is available at the cost of $2.95 per month for these three packages. The
Turbo 20, Ultimate 30 and Ultimate 60 packages will continue to be rolled-out gradually
throughout Cogec o’s territory.
Cogeco Cable ( is a telecommunications corporation and is the11th largest
hybrid fibre coaxial cable operator in North America operating in Canada under the Cogeco
Cable brand name in Quebec and Ontario, and in the United States through its subsidiary
Atlantic Broadband in Western Pennsylvania, South Florida, Maryland, Delaware and South
Carolina. I ts two-wa y broadband cabl e networks p rovide to its residential and s mall business
customers Analogue and Digital Television, High Speed Internet («HSI») and Telephony
services. Through its subsidiaries Cogeco Data Services and PEER 1 Hosting, Cogeco
Cable provides its commercial customers a suite of IT hosting, information and
communications technology services (Data Centre, Co-location, Managed Hosting, Cloud
Infrastructure and Connectivity), with 23 data centres, extensive fibre networks in Montreal
and Toronto as well as points-of-presence in North America and Europe. Cogeco Cable’s
subordinate voti ng shares are listed on the Toronto Stoc k E xchange (TSX: CCA).
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Information: Marina Brzesk i
Director, Cor porate Communications
Tel: (514) 764-4613