Cogeco Communications

Press release details

Cogeco Inc. Announces the Appointment of Diane Nyisztor as Vice President, Corporate Human Resources

For immediate release
Cogeco Inc. Announces the Appointment of Diane Nyisztor as Vice Presi den t ,
Corporate Human Resources
Montréal, September 29, 2014 Cogeco Inc. (TSX: CGO) today announced the appointment of Ms.
Diane Nyisztor as Vice President, Corporate Human Resources, effective immediately.
Ms. Nyisztor has extensive experience in global human resources and expatriate tax for major
multinati onal corporat ions. T hroughout the las t 24 years , she has demons trated ex cellence as a strat egic,
inspiring and innovative leader. She is recognized as a skilled communicator with a strong business
acumen. Prior to joining Cogeco, Ms. Nyisztor served as Partner, International Executive Services at
KPMG C anada. Previous ly, she held severa l executive positi ons with SNC-Lav alin Group Inc., not ably as
Senior Vice President, Global Human Resources and Senior Vice President, Compensation and Benefits
from 2004 to 2013. Ms. Nyisztor also served as Senior Principal, International Executive Services at
KPMG, where she spent more than a decade after joining in 1989.
She holds a Human Resources and Compensation Committee Certificate from McMaster University, a
Graduate Diploma in Public Accountancy from McGill University, as well as a Bachelor of Commerce
Degree from Concordia University. Ms. Nyisztor also has the designations of Certified Professional
Accounta nt and Char ter ed Ac c ounta nt.
Followin g our rece nt acquis itions and con tinued gro wth, we no w need to ada pt our cor porate structur e to
the evolving needs of our organization and of our employees. This new vice presidency is key in
supporting and enabling the expansion of Cogeco moving forward as well as providing guidance and
support to senior management and to each of our business units,” stated Louis Audet, President and
Chief Executive Officer of Cogeco Inc. “I am very pleased with Diane’s appointment. I am confident that
her vast knowledge of the human resources field combined with her strategic vision, passion and client-
satisfaction focus makes her the ideal candidate to achieve these very important strategic goals,”
concluded Mr . Audet.
Cogeco ( is a diversified holding corporation. Through its Cogeco Cable Inc. subsidiary,
Cogeco provides to its residential and business customers analogue and digital television, high speed
Internet and t eleph on y services with its two-way broad band fibre n etwork s. C ogeco Cab le Inc. oper ates i n
Canada under the Cogeco Cable Canada name in Québec and Ontario, and in the United States under
the Atlantic Broadband name in Western Pennsylvania, Southern Florida, Maryland/Delaware and South
Carolina. Through its subsidiaries, Cogeco Data Services and Peer 1 Hosting, Cogeco Cable Inc.
provides t o i ts c om mercial c ustomers a s uite of inform atio n tec h no logy services (colocat ion, managed and
dedicated Hosting, managed IT, cloud and connectivity services) with 20 data centres, extensive fibre
network s in Mo ntréa l a nd Toronto as we ll as po ints -of-presenc e i n Nor t h Am erica and Euro pe. T hr oug h its
subsidiary, Cogeco Diffusion, Cogeco owns and operates 13 radio stations across most of Québec with
complementary radio formats serving a wide range of audiences as well as Cogeco News, its news
agenc y. Cogeco also opera tes Métrom édia, an out-of-home adv ertisi ng com pan y spec ialize d in t he pu blic
transit sec t or . C ogeco’s su bor di nat e vot ing s hares are listed on the Toronto St oc k Ex c han ge (TSX: CG O) .
The s ubordinate votin g shar es of Cogeco C able Inc . a re also listed o n the T or onto St ock Exc hange (T SX:
- 30
Nancy Bouf f ar d
Director of Corporate Communications
ogeco Inc.
Tel.: 514 764-4613