Cogeco Communications

Press release details

Cogeco Cable Canada’s Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 High Speed Internet packages now available in Belleville and Trenton

Cogeco C able C an adas Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 High Speed Internet
pac k ag e s now available in Belleville and Trenton
Montreal, April 28, 2014 Cogeco Cable Canada (“Cogeco”) announces the launch of its
Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 High Speed Internet (HSI) packages in Belleville and Trenton,
Ontario, where the majority of residents will be able to benefit from one of the fastest
download speeds at the most affordable price available in the area.
The Turbo 20 package offers a download speed of up to 20 Mbps and upload speed of up to 2
Mbps, as well as a monthly data transfer capacity of 150 GB.
The Ul tim ate 55 package offers s peeds of up to 55 Mbps for downl oads and up to 2 Mbps for
uploads with monthly data transfer capacity of 275 GB.
We always strive to offer our customers more flexibility, speed and bandwidth. Today, the
whole family can use the Internet at the same time for online banking, video gaming,
shopping or for downloading videos or films, and all with the same service. Cogeco’s HSI
Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 packages meet those needs,” stated Anne Isabelle Roussy, Vice
President, M arketing and Product Development at Cogeco Cable Canada.
Cogeco’s Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 are powered by DOCSIS 3.0, a technology of data
com pr essi on that al lows a m or e effici ent and econom i c al us e of bandwi dth. T hus , Cogec o is
in a very good position to meet the increasing bandwidth need at a very competitive price
and to o ffer ac c ess to a hi gher data r at e, a b etter vi de o confi gurat ion an d an inc reas ed level
of safety.
What’s more, Cogeco includes its full suite of security services for these packages, at no
extra charge. Rental of a wireless modem is available at the cost of $2.95 per month. The
Turbo 20 and Ultimate 55 packages will continue to be rolled-out gradually throughout
Cogeco Cable Canada’s territory.
Cogec o Cable C anada ( r egroups the Canadi an cabl e oper ations of Cogec o
Cable Inc. Cogeco Cable Canada is the second largest cable operator in Ontario and
Quebec i n terms of the num ber of Bas ic Cabl e servic e cus tom ers s erved. Cog ec o Cabl e Inc.
is a telecommunications corporation and is the 11th largest hybrid fibre coaxial cable
operator in North America operating in Canada under the Cogeco Cable brand name in
Quebec and Ontario, and in the United States through its subsidiary Atlantic Broadband in
Western Pennsylvania, South Florida, Maryland/Delaware and South Carolina. Its two-way
broadband c abl e netw orks pro vide to i ts res i dential and s m all bus iness cus tom ers Analogue
and Digital Television, High Speed Internet («HSI») and Telephony services. Through its
subsidiaries Cogeco Data Services and Peer 1 Hosting, Cogeco Cable Inc. provides its
commercial customers a suite of IT hosting, information and communications technology
services (Data Centre, Co-location, Managed Hosting, Cloud Infrastructure and
Connec ti vi t y), wi th 20 data centr es , e xtensive fibr e networ ks in Montre al and T oronto as well
as poi nts -of-presenc e i n North Am er ic a and Europe. Co gec o Cabl e Inc .’s s ubordi nate votin g
shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: CCA).
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Information: Nancy Bouffard
Corporate Communications
Tel: (514) 764-4700