Cogeco Communications

Press release details

Cogeco Cable Canada launches Business Ultimate

Co ge co C ab l e Canad a launches Business Ultimate ̶ a new High Speed
Inter net B us in es s p acka ge of 12 0 Mbps an d i mpr ov es its Busin e ss Int erne t
Montreal, January 21, 2014 Cogeco Cable Canada (“COGECO) announced today the
launch of a new Business High Speed Internet (HSI) package named Cogeco Business
Ultimate, with download speeds of up to 120 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 10 Mbps.
T his im portant launch is the key element in a series of improvem ents on the entire range of
Cogeco’s Business Internet packages, beginning today.
The new 120 Mbps Business Ultimate package is already available where technology
perm its and will be gradual ly rolled out to a larger terri tory. It should be noted that the m ain
hubs of the economic regions served by Cogeco will be part of this initial deploy ment phase.
Business Ultimate is the most powerful in Cogeco Business Solutions“cable” series (with
the exception of its “Fibre services) and it will be replacing the Ultimate 60 Business
package with a d ownload speed do ubling that of its predeces sor’s. W here possible, current
Ultimate 60 business customers will automatically be migrated to the Ultimate Business
package at no additional cost or rate increase and will benefit from a vastly improved
In addition to thi s launc h, the rest of Cogeco’s Business Internet packages also benefit from
significant improvements such as, various increases in speed, the introduction of a new
intermediate package named Cogeco Business 28 and more easily accessible static IP
addresses. All this fine-tuning will serve to round out the numerous improvements made to
the packages during 2013, including the the introduction of unlimited data transfer capacity to
all packages last Fall at no extra cost.
Johanne Hinse, Vice President of Sales and Business Development for Cogeco Cable
Canada, highlights the importance of these upgrades in the following statement,
demand for increased speed and better performance regarding Business Internet
services is rapidly growing. Businesses are looking to increase their productivity and
optimize their efficiency using an ultra-fast Internet connection. Our improved offering
meets our business customers needs and illustrates the efforts we are making to
provide them with consistently more robust and flexible Internet s ervices.”
More information on Co geco Business Solutions High Speed Internet packages is available
Cogeco Cable Canada ( regroups the Canadian cable operations of
Cogeco Cable Inc. Cogeco Cable Canada is the second largest cable operator in
Ont ari o and Q ueb ec in term s of t h e num ber of B asi c C able s ervi ce c ust om ers ser v ed.
Cogeco Cable Inc. is a telecommunications corporation and is the 11th largest hybrid
fibre coaxial cable operator in North America operating in Canada under the Cogeco
Cable brand name in Quebec and Ontario, and in the United States through its
subsidiary Atlantic Broadband in Western Pennsylvania, South Florida,
Maryland/D elaware and S ou t h C ar ol i na. It s tw o-way br oadb and c abl e net w orks pr ovid e
to its residential and small business customers Analogue and Digital Television, High
S p eed I n t er n et ( « HS I» ) and Tel ep hony se r vi c es . T hrough i ts subsi d i ar ies Cogec o D at a
S er vi ces an d P E E R 1 Hos t i n g, Cogeco Cab le I n c . p rov i d e s i t s com mer c i al c u stomer s a
suite of IT hosting, information and communications technology services (Dat a Centre,
Co-location, Managed Hosting, Cloud Infrastructure and Connectivity), with 20 data
c en t r es, e xten s i v e fi b r e networ k s i n M on t r e al and Toronto a s wel l as p oi n t s -of-presence
in Nort h Am eri ca and E urope. Cog ec o Cabl e Inc .’s subordi nat e v oting shares ar e list ed
on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: CCA).
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Information: Marina Brzeski
Director, Corporate Communications
Tel: (514) 764-4613