Cogeco Communications

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Cogeco Cable Canada enhances its High Speed Internet service in Cornwall

For immediate release
Cogeco Cable Canada enhances its High Speed Internet service in Cornwall
Montréal, July 24, 2014 Cogeco Ca ble Canada (« Cogec o ») annou nces the launc h of its Ultim ate 120
High Speed Int er net ( H SI) res ide nti al pac kage and the enha nc ement of its T urbo 20, and Ultimat e 55 Hi gh
Speed Internet packages in Cornwall, Ontario. Current subscribers will be able to benefit from this
improvement immediately.
The T urbo 20, an d Ultim ate 55 High Speed Internet pack age upgrade includes an uplo ad spee d increase
from up to 2 Mbps to up to 10 Mbps, at no additional cost.
The newly launched Ultimate 120 High Speed Internet package offers download speeds of up to 120
Mbps and upload speeds of up to 10 Mbps, as well as a monthly data transfer capacity of 425 GB.
« We always strive to offer our customers more flexibility, speed and bandwidth and I am happy our Cornwall
customers can benefit from our enhancements to our High Speed Internet service. Now, the whole family
can use the Internet at the same time for online banking, video gaming, shopping or for downloading
videos or uploading pictures onto their social networks, and all with the same service. Cogeco’s HSI Turbo
20, Ultimate 55 and Ultimate 120 packages meet those needs », stated Anne Isabelle Roussy, Vice
President Marketing and Product Development at Cogeco Cable Canada.
More information on Cogeco Cable Canada’s residential High Speed Internet packages in Ontario is
available at, under the Ontario residential section.
Cogeco Cable Canada ( regroups the Canadian cable operations of Cogeco Cable Inc.
Cogeco C ab le Ca nad a is the second l arges t c ab le ope r ator in O nt ario and Q u eb e c in terms of t he number
of Basic C able service cust omers served. Its two-way broad band cable net works provide t o its resid ential
and small business customers Analogue and Digital Television, High Speed Internet («HSI») and
Telepho ny servic es. Cog eco Cab le Inc. is a te lecom municat ions corporat ion and is the 11t h larges t h ybrid
fibre coax ial cable op erator in North Am erica oper ating in Canada un der the C ogec o Cable Cana da bran d
name in Quebec and Ontario, and in the United States through its subsidiary Atlantic Broadband in
Western Pennsylvania, South Florida, Maryland/Delaware and South Carolina. Through its subsidiaries
Cogeco Dat a Services and Peer 1 Hosting, Cogec o Cable Inc. provides its c ommercial custom ers a suite
of IT hosting, information and communications technology services (Data Centre, Co-location, Managed
Hosting, C loud Inf ras tructur e and Conn ecti vit y), with 20 data c entr es, exte nsive f ibre net work s in Montr eal
and Toronto as well as p oi nts -of-presenc e in Nor t h A merica and Eur op e. Cog ec o Cable Inc. ’s s ub ordi nate
voting shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: CCA).
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Nancy Bouffard
Corporate Communications
Tel.: 514 764-4613